A cartoon depicting the gaza strip as a prison. A woman is crying out "no!"

It’s Not Hard to See How This All Started Between Israel and Palestine | Opinion

The deliberate avoidance of the conflict’s origins only serves to create discord in a battleground no larger than the Isle of Wight. The situation is alarmingly sickening, and for Israel it is akin to shooting fish in a barrel.

What Hamas has done is undoubtedly reprehensible, and if reports of the killings of children are verified, accountability for these horrific actions must be pursued. But, it seems, there is no evidence for this, nor is there for the proliferation of other claims circulating the news.

The cycle of violence perpetuates and intensifies the conflict, making the prospect of meaningful peace talks increasingly elusive. If Israel genuinely seeks peace, it is imperative to engage in discussions for a two-state solution and reconsider the concept of fixed borderlines. Without both sides extending an olive branch, there can be no viable way forward towards a lasting peace. One thing is for certain, the imprisoned people of Gaza want and need peace.

European Settlers Enjoy Government Colonial Aid

Extremist elements do exist on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, although acts of violence by Israeli radicals against Palestinians often receive less media coverage. These actions have enjoyed support from the Knesset, the Israeli parliament.

The issue at hand is that much of the world relies on media outlets with inherent biases, which can shape the narrative to align with the beliefs of their audiences. The truth of the matter is that Israel’s population comprises largely Polish, Russian, and other Eastern Europeans. And here lies the problem; one that has been continually ignored for 70 years.

A myriad of ideas that have proliferated within the press have been promoted by the Israeli government and adopted by individuals who wish to avoid being labelled as anti-Semitic (take the EU as an example). The accusation of anti-Semitism has, in some instances, been wielded as a protective shield for the Tel-Aviv administration.

Another critical concern that demands attention is the lack of restraint displayed by the Israeli government in working with Palestine. If Israel were genuinely oppressed, one would expect limitations on their retaliation, unfavourable odds, and a comparatively limited arsenal in responding to the Palestinian question. Instead, what we’ve observed is consistent international support for the Tel-Aviv government, a support that has been repeatedly extended to Israel but not necessarily to the people of Afghanistan, Iraq, or Palestine.

Whataboutery: A Potent Tool in Shaping Discourse for Both Sides

While comparisons can sometimes be seen as a form of whataboutery, they serve to provide valuable perspective when examining how different groups are treated in various conflicts. In this context, it is essential to acknowledge that many Western nations view their relationship with Israel as a means of securing a strategic foothold in the Middle East. This strategic interest partly explains the unwavering financial support provided by the United States to Israel.

Context without Justification: The Importance of Perspective

The establishment of modern-day Israel is rooted in the historical belief that the land was once the Kingdom of Israel and inhabited by Israelites, dating back approximately 3,000 years. However, it’s crucial to emphasize the vast expanse of time – 3,000 years – that separates that historical period from the present day.

Nevertheless, prior to the formation of modern-day Israel, the land was a place where the three religions—Islam, Christianity, and Judaism—coexisted in relative peace. It wasn’t until the British assumed control of the region that tensions escalated, leading to a surge of hostilities.

The “Law of Return” is a policy that allows individuals of Jewish descent to seek Israeli citizenship. However, it raises a significant question when individuals from Europe, North America, or Asia seek to “return” to a place where they lack familial ties or any historical connection to the region. It has also led to the mass displacement of Palestinians.

The “largest ethnic cleansing operations in the 21st and 21st centuries”

It’s astonishing that a government which invokes and weaponizes its own oppressed history would pursue similar actions against others.

The Hungarian, Canadian physician and author Gabor Mate, who is also a Holocaust survivor talked of his shame when he discovered how Israel oppresses and occupies the Palestinians: “When I visited the occupied territories, during the first intifada, I cried every day for two weeks at what I saw. The brutality of the occupation, the petty harassment, the murderousness of it, or cutting down of Palestinian olive groves, the denial of water rights, the humiliations,”

He then went on to describe the entire operation as “…the largest ethnic cleansing operations in the 21st and 21st centuries. It’s still going on. I could land in Te;-Aviv tomorrow and demand citizenship, under the law of the right of return. But my Palestinian friend in Vancouver, Hanna Kawas, who was born in Jerusalem, can’t even visit.”

Final Thoughts

The core issue lies in the fact that the present inhabitants of Israel cannot definitively trace their familial roots to the country. Even if they could, the question remains whether this should confer upon them the authority to displace, dispossess, or even harm the indigenous people of the land today. In any other part of the world, such actions would likely provoke widespread condemnation.

However, this situation is unique, as it involves a substantial population of predominantly white Western Jewish individuals who adhere to a far-right ideology that was promoted by various Zionist proponents in the late 19th and 20th centuries.

The deplorable actions carried out by Hamas and the Israeli government have further exacerbated growing hostilities. The principal matter lies in the fact that Israel, particularly during the Netanyahu administration, has played a significant role in fueling tensions from the very outset to the present day.

Joe Biden’s notable reticence, particularly for a nation that prides itself as a leader of the free world, is undeniably cruel. The act of remote bombings bears resemblance to execution-style punishments, particularly when carried out as collective punishment, which are considered illegal under international law. Even during the pandemic, Israel restrained any form of humanity by blocking essential medical equipment into the region.

Murder or war crimes anywhere represent despicable acts of inhumanity. However, if you found yourself forcibly removed from your home, what choices would you have? Would you silently endure it, would you choose to engage in conflict, or would you seek justice through a legal system in a country that may not fairly consider your case?

The Palestinian people often find themselves with limited options, and it’s regrettable that some resort to violence, although it’s worth noting that this has been historically employed by Israelis to achieve their objectives. Acknowledging that the state of Israel was established amid a backdrop of terrorism, it’s clear that there is a professional level of hypocrisy involved, to say the least.

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